We are proud…


Joy and unity in the team.

Publishing in DER F&E MANAGER. As sought-after experts, our consultants regularly publish articles in DER F&E MANAGER, the trade journal for executives in research & development, reaching a wide and high-caliber audience. By developing cutting-edge topics, we stay at the forefront of the industry.
Flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths. Constant direct contact with the partners ensures that there is always an open ear and decisions are made and implemented quickly. Your mentor is also available to support you with advice and action for any questions.
Diversity in education, professional and industry experience, coupled with honest support from your colleagues, fosters team cohesion. The broad diversity within the team ensures you always find the right point of contact for any technical questions.
Academy with real case studies. In case studies from real projects, the skills that matter in the projects are trained: analytical competence, focus on the right details, and the ability to present facts concisely. This way, even young consultants benefit from the experience of over 600 projects.
Monthly, quarterly, and team events. In regular monthly and quarterly meetings, the latest developments, experiences from ongoing projects, and current trends are discussed. Here, our consultants can exchange views on current topics and receive regular training. Additionally, the consulting methodology is continuously developed together.

Team building at AS&P is specifically promoted through social events such as Christmas parties, summer festivals, and joint sports activities.

Speaker at the R&D INTENSIVE SEMINARS. As a speaker at the regularly held R&D INTENSIVE SEMINARS, our consultants can present their expertise on current topics in R&D management to industry experts. In personal conversations, they can exchange experiences with participants and engage in high-caliber networking.
Publishing in DER R&D MANAGER. As sought-after experts, our consultants regularly publish articles in DER R&D MANAGER, the trade journal for executives in research & development, reaching a wide and high-caliber audience. By developing cutting-edge topics, we stay at the forefront of the industry.


Developing competence and personality – professional fulfillment and self-determination.

«Our employees are our most important asset. Therefore, one of our top priorities is to specifically and individually promote the competence and personality of our employees.

In addition to hard skills, which are taught using best practices, methods & tools, as well as individually developed products for R&D management, soft skill training is also a focus. Key skills such as interviewing, presentation, moderation, and visualization are identified and developed step-by-step with the help of a mentor and external experts.»

It is our central concern to develop the hard and soft skills of each individual in harmony. For this purpose, several training sessions are scheduled throughout the year. Both the exchange of experiences with consultants from other projects and the individual development of skills such as interviewing, presentation, moderation, and visualization are intensively trained with case studies and use cases by external specialists.
Taking responsibility for projects and products early on is possible regardless of the consultant level. Each consulting product has a person responsible for advancing the product purposefully. Presentations at events provide the opportunity to present the results to a broad professional audience.

In the projects, various roles are assigned individually based on experience and knowledge. Experienced managers can prepare more for top-level moderations, while younger colleagues can learn project management from the ground up as project planners.

Our culture is based on open exchange of experiences across all levels. Junior consultants learn from experienced managers, and experienced consultants are happy to incorporate the ideas and suggestions of juniors into the solution approach for the client. Especially when it comes to finding the best solution, this open feedback culture is a decisive success factor.

Share your experiences with us – we will share ours with you just as openly.

One of the great opportunities and advantages of starting your career at AS&P is building a network. Through rapid on-site deployment, you come into contact with people in the industry as well as in research and development, who would otherwise be very difficult to reach. You quickly establish a direct line to decision-makers, the truly “important” people, who can also promote your career.


You have the perspective…

«With us, you will find an environment where you can continuously develop and apply all your talents. Naturally, you will get to know various industries, companies, and tasks through numerous projects. Using our methods, refined over more than 20 years, you will quickly analyze the causes and develop targeted solutions. You will then bring your concepts to life in implementing the solution strategies. We introduce our extensive consulting methods in monthly training sessions, quarterly day events, and a one-week intensive training program. Additionally, your personal skills will be further developed in individual seminars. Within this framework, nothing should stand in the way of a rapid career in our company.»

You want to make a difference. To fully utilize your outstanding skills. You want to be part of creative processes far from rigid structures and hierarchies. And you have your professional advancement clearly in sight. Then take your chance and give us a call.

We look forward to receiving your meaningful application! +49 89 614 232 0.