TRUST Correctly.

1. Trust comes on foot…

…and leaves on horseback (Dutch proverb).
“Trust is like a piece of paper. Once crumpled, it’s never perfect again.”

Trust is an essential value in every company. Trust within the team is the most common answer to the question: “What was the reason for success in your best project?”
Trust is also the most common answer to: “What defines good leadership at its core?”

If trust is so important, that should be reason enough to take a closer look at how to gain trust and how to lose trust.

And not just in general, but specifically how that looks for YOU.

TRUST Correctly

TRUST Correctly.

2. Losing trust.

No one intentionally wants to lose trust. But that’s how it is with many things. We don’t want it – but unfortunately, sometimes it happens anyway. It happens unconsciously.
Therefore, it is all the more important to become aware of the unconscious. Some people say: that’s “eh” a life goal in itself.

Disloyalty, selfishness, control freak, dishonesty, blame game, conflict avoidance, negativity, solitary decisions, emotional reactions, and when words are not matched by actions.
“excellent” opportunities to lose trust.

Which of these traps do you tend to fall into more often, and which less?

TRUST Correctly

TRUST Correctly.

3. Gaining trust.

I live in a small Upper Bavarian village. For hundreds of years, it has been tradition that the mayor is a local resident. Now, it’s an East Frisian. When I asked the carpenter from the municipal council why this was the case, he gave me the following answer: “He wears our Gwoand (Bavarian clothing) and he does what he says.” Plain and simple.

He follows up his words with actions. He shows his connection through his clothing (Lederhose) and practices the dialect, although it’s genuinely difficult for him and sometimes sounds amusing.

Gaining trust by avoiding losing it is already a significant achievement.

Furthermore, we can build and maintain trust through warmth, transparency, commitment, connection, inner strength, and acceptance.

In this training, you will become aware of which of these approaches apply to YOU.

TRUST Correctly

Book your training now:

Learning to TRUST Correctly requires practice.
It begins with your understanding and acceptance of a methodology.

Success follows when you can apply it daily. This requires repetition. We can train you in this. Accompanying people in their progress is a fulfilling task for us.

For training in case studies, nature has given us a gift: we humans cannot pretend. A simulated situation feels real subconsciously. Our emotions during training are the same as in a real situation. Successful top athletes are aware of this effect.

The most effective feedback comes from yourself. We provide you with guidance and ensure a safe environment for this.

Empowering people is our passion. There is no task more fulfilling than supporting people in their personal development.